Saxon Scribe

The Schaumburg High School student news site

Saxon Scribe

The Schaumburg High School student news site

Saxon Scribe

The Schaumburg High School student news site

SHS Diversity Fair
SHS Diversity Fair
March 21, 2024

“Special Spaces” Leaves Lasting Impressions

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In a heartwarming collaboration, Schaumburg National Honor Society members joined with Special Spaces Chicagoland to help Abigail, a local child with cancer.  When undergoing treatment or chemotherapy, many children cannot leave their homes and spend much of their time in their bedrooms.  Enter Special Spaces.

Special Spaces is a non-profit organization that provide dream renovations for kids with cancer. This organization was founded in 2004, and they have created over 1400 bedroom makeovers across 10 states since then. Their mission is to create a special and safe place for children to have as their space when coming home from treatment or fighting cancer.

Samantha Freehling, a member of NHS and a cancer survivor herself, shared her perspective saying, “As a cancer kid and someone who also received a bedroom makeover from Special Spaces, I can attest to the loneliness and isolation that one feels when they are going through cancer.”

Through their network, Special Spaces learned about Abigail and her fight against cancer. Her dream bedroom was remodeled with the help of Schaumburg High School chapter of the National Honors Society (NHS). NHS donated their time to Special Spaces and helped make Abigail’s dream bedroom come true.

Special Spaces Chicagoland relies on the kindness and generosity of individuals and organizations to continue their mission of helping courageous children like Abigail.  If you would like to help, there are several ways to get involved and make a difference in the lives of these brave children:

  • Donate Financially: Contributing funds to Special Spaces Chicagoland ensures that they can continue their mission. Even small donations can make a big impact.
  • Volunteer Your Time: Just like the dedicated NHS members from Schaumburg High School, you can volunteer your time and skills to help with future bedroom makeovers.
  • Raise Awareness: Spreading the word about Special Spaces Chicagoland is essential. Share their mission with friends, family, and your community to encourage more support for this noble cause.

“There were many great memories made in the process, but by far the best moment is the children’s reaction to their new rooms,” stated NHS member Peyton Caster. “That capstone moment really puts all of your hard work into perspective and brings a smile to everyone’s face.”

In coming together to support Abigail and countless other children facing cancer, Schaumburg High School NHS members and Special Spaces Chicagoland have shown the power of compassion and unity. Their efforts remind us that even small acts of kindness can bring immense joy and comfort to those in need. By supporting organizations like Special Spaces Chicagoland, we can all play a part in making dreams come true for these young heroes.

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