The Illinois Music Education Association (ILMEA) hosted its annual conference January 29-February 1, 2025 in Peoria, Illinois. Schaumburg students Brandon Padillo, Sarah Sekiguchi, Evangeline Silker, Amelia Sanders, Haruko Kawasaki, Mya McCurdy, Ava Ramirez, and Esteban Avila were selected to participate in the weekend of music.
ILMEA holds annual auditions to select students for district and state-level ensembles across various divisions, including band, chorus, jazz, and orchestra. The selection process identifies and showcases talented student musicians throughout Illinois.
“ILMEA is constantly evolving and looking for ways to improve the student experience. They are currently in the middle of re-writing audition materials for all areas, to provide all student musicians across the state with access to high-quality materials for their age and instrument/voice part” stated Mr. Inendino, Schaumburg High School’s band director and Music Department Chair.
Judges evaluate technical proficiency when selecting band students, vocal range for chorus students, bowing techniques for orchestra students, melodic accuracy, technical proficiency, rhythmic accuracy, and stylistic understanding for jazz students.

“I’ve been singing in a choir for most of my life, and I’ve always worked very hard to become the singer/musician I aspired to be,” said Mya Mccurdy, a junior at Schaumburg High School. “In high school, I looked up to the state qualifiers from earlier years and imagined how that must have felt for them to participate in an All-State Choir. Today, I can confidently say the experience is more than I imagined, and I am proud of myself and all of the other musicians who made it this far.”
Once students obtain audition materials and understand the audition components, they practice regularly and seek feedback from their music teachers. ILMEA also offers tutorials and additional resources on their YouTube channel to assist with audition preparation.
“The audition materials are quite difficult, as they are designed to determine the top musicians in the state,” mentioned Mr. Inendino. “Additionally, ILMEA shifted from live to pre-recorded auditions about 5 years ago. Rather than walking into a room and performing their audition once, students can now re-record their materials as many times as they want and submit a video representing their best performance. While there is no longer the pressure of performing the audition live, students can experience a different kind of stress in compiling their best audition video. We try to emphasize focusing on the process and recognizing there will never be a perfect take.”
Held annually in Peoria, Illinois, Illinois Music Education Conference (IMEC) offers students the opportunity to connect with peers, educators, and industry professionals. The conference features hands-on workshops as well.
“Qualifying for state means [you are] able to create music with brilliant musicians, and push yourself to a higher musical level,” said Sarah Sekiguchi, a senior at Schaumburg High School. “I love being immersed with such diverse types of music that are all so full of energy,”
In collaboration with the Illinois Arts Council Agency, ILMEA provides information on grants that support arts education. These grants can help fund performances and workshops. Future Music Educators Seminar (FMES) offers insights into music education careers for high school students.
“Aside from the experience of preparing for the auditions, the experience that the students receive being a part of these ensembles is immense. They get to work with well-regarded music educators who lead their ensembles and make lasting connections with their peers in other communities who have been working toward this goal,” explained Mr. Graffeo.
Musically, the recognition enhances one’s musical skills and broadens their understanding of different musical styles. Academically, being involved in the ILMEA program can foster discipline and also strengthen college applications in the arts.
“I am always inspired by the hard work our students put forth daily toward reaching their goals,” said Mr. Inendino. “Our students auditioning for ILMEA specifically invest a lot of time into their music education, balancing their passion for music with rigorous academic course loads and extracurricular commitments. It is remarkable to watch their growth as musicians and individuals throughout their time at SHS.”
Join us in congratulating our ILMEA musicians and watch for upcoming concerts so that you can listen to our gifted performers.