SHS enhances safety protocols

SHS enhances safety protocols in the band department

Jason Williams, Scribe Reporter

As students and staff returned from their summer vacation, they were greeted with enhanced security upgrades implemented by Schaumburg High School. 

Assistant Principal Mrs. Smith says, “keeping students safe is our number one priority” Through its website, District 211 emphasized that “prevention is the most important aspect of school safety.”

To ensure the safety of both students and staff, entrance and exits have been limited so that students can only enter through Door 1 (the main entrance) and Door 10 (the athletic entrance). Also, a total of 32 audible door alarms have been installed in Schaumburg High School to alert authorities about any unauthorized access.

“Any entrances or exits that we have are always staffed by student supervisors if they do not have a door alarm on them,” said Assistant Principal and Building and Grounds Administrator, Mr. Cumings. 


Since the most recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, school safety has been at the forefront of many educational conversations. This had led to school districts around the country to find ways to create a safe learning environment for students and staff.

Students throughout SHS have supported the safety and security enhancements. 

“At first it seemed like a lot of thought had been put into the various alarms placed around the building,” said senior Josephine Mascarenhas. “Frankly, it was a little discomforting knowing that there were reasons we needed them.”

Students are not the only ones who have supported the recent safety and security upgrades in the building.

“I had the natural reaction of it being an inconvenience because the entrance/exit I have used for years is no longer available for us,” said Social Studies teacher Mr. Cosentino. “It’s sad that our country has gotten to a place where we have to take these types of measures to keep people safe. Anything we can do around here to maximize everyone’s safety…[is] our number one priority.” 

Safety and security can always be improved and everyone can do their part. In the event you feel unsafe, or see any sort of suspicious activity anywhere in the community, see something, say something.

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