Homework help a click away

Image courtesy of the Schaumburg library.
Having a Schaumburg library card allows access to the library’s homework resources.
November 6, 2019
We all have those days when we just can’t look at our essays anymore, try the math problem again, or get through another SAT textbook a day before the test. But the thing is, we don’t have to. There’s help available just a click away.
Students can now use Schaumburg Library’s Brainfuse HelpNow anytime, anywhere to get the educational help they need. The site has plenty of online learning tools to provide needed assistance for free.
Brainfuse HelpNow offers personalized tutoring for every subject and standardized test like the SAT or AP tests. A student can get essays checked, receive live feedback, and get help with homework problems. Live online tutors are available from 2:00 to 9:00 pm every day. All tutors have a four-year degree and some kind of prior teaching or tutoring experience.
All you need to use Brainfuse is a library card which you can sign up for right from the website: https://www.schaumburglibrary.org/about/cards. Once in possession of a library card, users can access https://proxy.stdl.org/login?url=http://proxy.stdl.org/login/helpnow and enter a personal library card and pin (MM/YY) to have full access to the website. From the main page under “expert help,” there are links for live tutoring, lessons, a writing lab, and language learning help. It has a variety of online learning assistance tools. Students can use Brainfuse in any place with an Internet connection. Give Brainfuse a try today.
In addition to Brainfuse, the Schaumburg Library, Illinois’s second largest library, offers students many accommodations for different age groups, including quiet rooms for studying or working in groups, access to computers and other technologies, test proctoring, and workshops designed for students of all ages, like 3D design and printing.
“The library is a great source for finals studying, and it keeps me concentrated for studying,” Delaney Jensen stated.
Not only does the library offer academic tools, but it provides entertainment. The library offers video games, computers, movies, and meeting areas inside. Online, you can find a catalog of movies and games.
So the next time you need help academically or a movie to take a break from all that studying, look no further than our local Schaumburg Library.