Saxon Scribe

The Schaumburg High School student news site

Saxon Scribe

The Schaumburg High School student news site

Saxon Scribe

The Schaumburg High School student news site

SHS Diversity Fair
SHS Diversity Fair
March 21, 2024

A New Era For SHS Theatre

Michah Kier
Ms. Rysavy gives direction and notes to actors in this year’s fall play.

After 20 years of guidance from Mrs. Micheletto and Ms. Kern, the two have decided to take a step back from SHS Theatre. Filling the shoes left by Micheletto and Kern’s departure are two new directors: Ms. Rysavy (from the EL department) and Ms. Ademovic (the switchboard operator).  Both directors bring new ideas and perspectives to SHS’s theatre productions.

Ms. Rysavy served as assistant directing the last two Winter Plays, The One-Act Play That Goes Wrong and The Crucible.  When Mrs. Micheletto stepped down, Ms. Rysavy’s two years of experience led her to take over as head director.  Ms. Rysavy stated, “As a director, I want to help foster connections and find new ways to share student talents with the school and the community. I also love watching students grow and learn. Watching students step into a role and own it is really cool.”

Leah Robin, a senior involved in SHS theatre said, “I’m so excited for Ms. Rysavy to be the Director here in the theater program because she was the assistant Director for my first show and I am so excited to see how she has grown as a Director and how she will continue to grow once I leave SHS.”

Ms. Ademovic may not have directing experience, but she thoroughly enjoys watching plays and other shows at SHS.  She has wanted to help direct Schaumburg’s productions in order to broaden her horizons.  Ms. Ademovic explained, “I’ve been working at SHS for about 2 and half years, and I wanted to try something new and gain some experience at SHS besides being at the switchboard!”

Rysavy and Ademovic have spread their theatrical wings directing this year’s Fall Play, Dorothy Meets Alice.  The directors are striking a balance between respecting the traditions from Micheletto’s tenure and putting their own spin on activities.

Furthermore, the cast and crew of the show noticed how well the new directors work with each other as well as students. Ms. Ademovic said “I am excited to be working with Ms. Rysavy on the Fall Play; we make a great team!”

Ms. Rysavy or Ms. Ademovic take student input into consideration when making decisions regarding scene blocking or lines.  Ms. Rysavy stated, “My favorite part of fall play is when students share their ideas for the show whether it is for staging or acting. Giving students a chance to try their ideas builds a space where they feel comfortable and confident.”

Due to her commitment as a head coach of the flags team, Ms. Rysavy will be unable to direct future Winter Plays. Similarly, Ms. Ademovic will also be unable to assistant direct Winter Plays this year. In their place, Mr. Brett Baleski, the head director and choreographer of SHS’s yearly Musical, will direct the Winter Play.  SHS continues to search for a long term replacement for the Winter Plays but for now, Ms. Rysavy and Ms. Ademovic will continue to run Fall productions.  

Dorothy Meets Alice, a cross between The Wizard Of Oz and Alice In Wonderland will run from 11/9 through 11/11.  Tickets for Dorothy Meets Alice can be purchased by scanning the QR codes around the school or at the door.  

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